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December is upon us and for some that is exciting yet for others, it can be a very stressful time. Between work, homelife, plays, parties, family gatherings, etc., it can seem like there is just not enough time. “How do you have a stress free holiday?”, you may ask. I want to share with you some tips that I hope will help you to be able to stop and enjoy the beauty of all that Christmas is.
Let’s take a moment and reflect on what Christmas was like for you growing up. What favorite memory do you have?
- The wonder of a child, the innocence of children is amazing.
- The delicious treats of the season
- The feeling of waking on Christmas morning
As an adult, we are made to think that everything, (decorations, food, gifts) has to be perfect. But the reality is, it will not. Christmas is not about perfection. It’s about the memories made and the fun had.
Don’t Over Commit Yourself
There is only so much time to get everything done. We cannot be everywhere always. There are parties and plays going on every day, so pick just a few to go to. Attend the ones that are necessary and closet to you.
Celebrate Christmas on Another Day
Because we have such a large family and everyone has extended family to visit, my mom has always had Christmas afterward. She usually does the Saturday after or even sometimes New Years Day. We all enjoy it because it extends the Christmas season and a big plus, you get to shop all of the sales after Christmas…woohoo. It actually helps relieve a lot of the stress of having to have everything done by Christmas. And it kind of adds a new spin to celebrate. We should actually celebrate the meaning of Christmas year-round.

Don’t Take Everything on Yourself
It is a lot to carry on yourself all of the planning for an event, even if it’s just family. This is something we have had to learn to do, too. With some health issues that occurred a little over a year ago, my mom had to start getting others to pitch in. So this year maybe think about having a potluck. It is freeing to get others to help and most are glad to contribute to help.
Goes with the above tip…Have A Local Bakery to do the Cooking
Not only are you doing yourself a favor by delegating to others, but you will also be supporting a local, small business. I am big on supporting small businesses, being one myself. I am sure the bakery in your area is amazing!!

Don’t Blow it on Gifts
And by “blow it” I mean financially. Most of us don’t remember what we got last year. A favorite in my family is stockings, which are usually bags now. My mom knows us all so well that she fills them with things that we use and need. I normally don’t have to buy toiletries a few months after Christmas because of what she gives us. It is literally the best gift ever.
Another way to celebrate instead of gifts this year, get together with family and have a game night or doing karaoke. The laughs and memories had will last longer than any gift.
Don’t Forget The Real Reason We Celebrate
The Greatest Gift…Jesus. He came as a babe so that He could die a death to pay for our sins so we can live eternally with Him one day.
Take Time For Yourself
No one else is going to take care of you but YOU!! Don’t get caught up in the hecticness of the season. Stop, drink hot cocoa and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.
I hope that I have encouraged you to use some of these tips this year for Christmas and that you will have a less stressed season and have more quality time with loved ones. Also, please feel free to leave a comment below of some of your tips for living stress-free.