For the next few months I want to reflect on some of my favorite things about summer. You see, I am not a fan of the extreme heat and humidity, but being from the South you learn to deal with it the best way you know how. With that being said, I am thankful to be from the great state of North Carolina and would not change a thing. We have the mountains and the coast within a few hours away from us. Life could not get any better than that.
One of my favorite things about summer are the fresh fruits and vegetables we have. I’ll post a couple of my favorite yet simple recipes at the bottom. Every year from as far as I can remember we have always had a garden and there is nothing any better than being able to go out back and pick cucumbers. tomatoes and squash. Oh my, I am hungry just thinking about it. Or you can go to a local Farmers Market, it’s a great way to support local, small businesses and to enjoy the fresh produce of the season. And we have some pretty amazing farmers and markets in North Carolina. In 2008 we were blessed to build a log home on a beautiful piece of land we inherited. On this land there were blueberry bushes, grape vines and plum trees. Until then we had never had any fruit trees to tend to. They take a little more tender care but are well worth the work. We were also able to add a pear tree to the fruit grove and I am very protective of that tree, lol. Be sure to sign up for my e-mails as I will share some of the jam and jelly recipes when the time comes. I am passionate about more natural living and being self-sustaining off of the land God has blessed us with. Even if you live in a more confined area you can always have a small vegetable garden in pots. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers do great in pots.

I hope to share with you throughout the summer some of the ways we store our fruits and vegetables so that you can still enjoy them in the fall/winter months. Maybe we can even share some of the amazing soups/ stews that you can freeze for those cold winter nights.
Recipe #1
Tomato, Cucumber and Onion Salad:
Cut up 2-3 ripe tomatoes into small pieces (personal favorites are heirloom tomatoes….German Johnson, Cherokee Purple and a Lemon tomato)

Chop 2-3 cucumbers (favorite of mine are pickling cucumbers)
Thinly slice a sweet onion
Cover with your favorite vinaigrette dressing or as my family likes to use, your favorite Italian dressing. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!!!
Recipe #2
Baked Squash, Onion and Tomato
Slice 2-3 squash or zucchini
Quarter 2-3 sweet onions
1 cup of cherry tomatoes
1/2 stick of butter, cut into pieces
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
Add all to baking dish or aluminum foil, because I like to cook this on the grill. Place butter over the vegetables with salt and pepper taste. Sprinkle with cheese. Place in oven set to 350 degrees or on the grill and bake 30-35 minutes or til vegetables are tender.
It’s fun in the summer time especially to try all kinds of new and inventive recipes with fresh fruits and vegetables. And what’s even better is you can do a lot of it outside while enjoying the time spent with loved ones. I hope you will share with us some of your favorite summer recipes. Now get out there and have a blast creating new foods!!!
Sweet!! I love this!