Hello, my friends!! I want to start by saying that I am thankful for you all and that you have stuck around with me on this journey!! It has been a journey filled with many ups and downs and changes along the way. But through it all, God has been right with us!
Have you been looking up any of the verses on “Do not fear”? This is my second week and I think I need to start doing it several days a week because it will take me a long time at the rate I’m going, lol!! I’ve been doing about 20-25 verses on Sundays. Hopefully, I will do a few more next week.
I have enjoyed looking them up and have learned that not all references to fear are relatable to us. Some of the verses I came across were dealing with people who “do not fear” the Lord. So it’s always good to read around the verse you’re looking up.

Do Not Fear Verses Week 2
- Jeremiah 42:11
- Isaiah 8:12
- Genesis 50:19
- Luke 8:50
- Mark 5:36
- Genesis 35:17
- 1 Peter 3:6
- Genesis 50:21
- Exodus 20:20
- Ruth 3:11
- Deuteronomy 31:6
- Deuteronomy 1:21
- Deuteronomy 20:3
- 1 Kings 17:13
- Isaiah 7:4
- 1 Samuel 23:17
- Joshua 8:1
- Numbers 21:34
- Deuteronomy 3:2
- 2 Samuel 9:7
- Matthew 1:20
- Revelation 2:10

Don’t forget to share in the comments what you’re learning or some of the verses you have found. I always look forward to hearing from you. I’ll also share a link to last week’s post…https://beautyamongus.com/365-days-of-do-not-fear/
As always, thank you for sticking with me and letting me share my heart. Don’t forget to have a beautiful day and to share a smile or a kind word with someone today because by being an encouragement to someone else it actually encourages you too!!
Blessings! Amanda
[…] I knew when I started this journey it would take me a while to find all of the verses, this is not a race, but a time to search the scripture. If it takes a few months or a whole year, it doesn’t matter as long as you are benefitting from what you are reading/studying. I have found maybe 70 verses, so far, and you have to read/ study each verse in context because some of them are irrelevant to us. I talked a little about this in my last post, which you can check out below. https://beautyamongus.com/do-not-fear-part-2/ […]