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And just like that, the holidays are upon us!! Crazy!
With Christmas right around the corner, my mind is in overdrive with craft ideas and I am more excited than ever to share them with you this year. So let’s dive right in today!!
Can I get a show of hands of how many of you have a table riser in your home? What is a table riser you might ask…well, it’s something that can be used to add depth or interest to your counter or tabletop.
The table we are going to do a step-by-step of how to do a pretty simple one for your Christmas decor!

Supplies Needed:
- A pack of 6-10inch circles from Hobby Lobby (Woodpile)
- Three round wooden legs
- Wood Glue
- Cardstock of choice (I used a buffalo plaid)
- Scissors
- ModPodge
- Spongebrush
- Glue Gun
- Thick Rope
Step 1:
Let’s start by choosing the best wooden disc in the pack. While we are only using one for this project, the others will come in handy later or you can make more than one table riser.
Lay the wooden disc on the back of the cardstock, trace a circle and cut it out. Apply a thick coat of ModPodge on the wooden disc and gently lay the cardstock, right side up, onto the disc. I like to take a credit card/driver’s license and smooth the surface of the cardstock. This will also help to get any air bubbles out.
I chose a black and white buffalo plaid Apply a thick coat of modpodge
Step 2:
Once the ModPodge is dry, we are ready to glue the legs on. Flip the disc over to the backside and place the wooden legs evenly apart. Once you have them where you want them, apply some wood glue onto the wood leg and gently place them back on the disc. Be careful not to move it too much till the glue is dry. Once all of the legs are glued on, leave it till dry.
I eyeballed it, but you can definitely measure the distance apart Let the glue dry good

Before we are ready to use our table riser, I decided to add a last-minute detail. I thought that it was a little plain looking, so while looking through my supplies, I came across some rope. And it was just enough to add to the table riser.
Also, the rope is something that you can get at the Dollar Tree…perfect, right?!
For this last step, I used the hot glue gun and gently applied the rope around the edge of the top side of the table riser. It was the perfect “pick me up” for our table riser.
Let’s Use Our DIY Table Riser
This is the perfect little addition to any Christmas decor. You can use it on the kitchen counter to lift up a Christmas tree or on a bathroom counter for your soap/lotion. The possibilities are endless.
I love how this turned out!! It is so cute on the bathroom counter!!
We love hearing from you, so if you make this easy DIY table riser, post a pic in the comment section.