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Let me just start by saying how thankful I am to have been chosen to read and review a book by Anne Graham Lotz. I believe God has used her in mighty ways and she is strong in her beliefs.
Her new book, to be released on October 1st, is titled “Jesus In Me”. It is about the Holy Spirit and how He is our Constant Companion. He has become that for Anne Graham Lotz, who lets you know in the book just how human she is. She has questions and doubts at times and life has not always been perfect but the Holy Spirit has been there with her through all of the ups and downs. In reading the book, I have learned that He is that for me as well. Looking back on certain life events, I can see that He was there walking with me.
We should always be learning in life, and with each new book I read, I definitely learn something new. “Jesus In Me” is a must-read, especially if you find yourself struggling with walking through life alone. We are never alone. Jesus promised that He was sending the Holy Spirit in John 14:15-31,to live with and in us.
“Jesus In Me” is about the Holy Spirit, who is our Constant Companion. We know things about God and Jesus, but what do we really know about the Holy Spirit? He is the third person of the Trinity and often not talked about. Maybe because we feel He is only reserved for the “superspiritual Christian”.
When you read “Jesus In Me” you will learn that the Holy Spirit is a person who guides, comforts and intercedes for us to the Father. You will also learn some of His names He has been given to guide us in every area of our lives. He is our Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener and Standby.
Throughout the “Jesus In Me”, Anne Graham Lotz shares personal story upon personal story of how the Holy Spirit has walked with her. And how important it is to stay in the Word daily to feel His presence in every aspect of our lives.
In “Jesus In Me” you will learn that the Holy Spirit, our constant Companion, is Jesus in me. He is not optional in our Christian walk but a necessity. And without Him, we would totally be lost and more than likely have given up a long time ago. Always remember that you have a purpose in life and that you are here for a reason. Maybe it’s to give an encouraging word or smile to someone.
I would highly recommend reading “Jesus In Me” to know how much He loves you and to learn how to love others.