What exactly does the Bible say about fear? Did you know that the phrase “do not fear” or “do not be afraid” is in the Bible 365 times? I did not realize this until a few years ago while watching a movie. Isn’t that amazing? One for each day of the year!
Have you ever experienced fear or been afraid? I can honestly say that there has been a time or two in the past couple of years that I have felt a little fearful or worried. That is hard to admit as a Christian because people think that we are supposed to have it all together, but the reality is that we are human and not perfect.

But I want to encourage you with my journey, that through everything we have been through the past few years, Jesus is good and has walked with us. And even though fear has crept in a few times, I have stopped and realized that His hand has been on us.
Back to the 365 times “do not fear” is in the Bible. I have decided that I want to research each verse and see how many I can find. I would love to invite you to join me on this journey and share what you find. I am excited to start!!
Here are some of the ones my mom and I have found:
- Lamentations 3:57
- Isaiah 8:12
- Matthew 10:26, 28, 31
- I Peter 3:12
- Haggai 2:5
- Isaiah 41:10, 13, 14
- Isaiah 35:4
- Isaiah 43:1, 5
- Joel 2:21
- Numbers 14:9 ( 2 times)
- Deuteronomy 3:22
- Judges 6:23
- Joshua 10:8
- Isaiah 51:7
- Luke 12:4, 32
- Deuteronomy 31:8
Don’t forget that if you join us on the deep dive of the scriptures, comment below what you find on “Do not fear”.
Why have I had moments of fear or worry you might ask? I shared a little in my post from the first of the year, https://beautyamongus.com/a-review-of-2023-new-year-new-beginnings/
Then we continued into 2024 and I thought things would slow down a bit but they have not. We have had a few family health issues and have lost loved ones very unexpectedly this year. But I cannot say enough how good God has been even in all trials. My mom has often shared that God said He would walk us through the valley, Psalm 23. He didn’t say we would never have a valley but He is with us through it! And He will bring us to the other side as long as we are faithful to Him.
Blessings always!! Amanda
[…] Don’t forget to share in the comments what you’re learning or some of the verses you have found. I always look forward to hearing from you. I’ll also share a link to last week’s post…https://beautyamongus.com/365-days-of-do-not-fear/ […]